Root Canal FAQs

What is Root Canal Treatment or Endodontics?

Root Canal Treatment, also known as endodontics, is the treatment of infected dental pulp.

How much does a root canal cost?

Root Canal Treatment typically costs anywhere between $1000 to $1300.

Is an endodontics or root canal painful?

No. Patients will generally not feel any pain as they will be under the effects of anesthesia.

Are endodontists available on Saturday?

Yes, some endodontists are available on Saturdays.

What happens during a root canal?

The infected dental pulp will be removed during the procedure, and the dentist will clean the root canal with medication. A filling will then be used to seal the tooth, and a dental crown is placed on top of it.

What are the root canal symptoms?

Common root canal symptoms include severe toothache, sensitive teeth, and swollen gums.

Should I worry about root canal infection after the procedure?

Root canal treatments are generally successful with low risks of an infection developing. If you are experiencing tooth pain following the procedure, get in touch with your local dentist.

What is a normal root canal recovery time?

Most patients tend to recover within a few days following the procedure. Patients may take up a week to fully recover in some cases.

Benefits of Root Canal Treatment vs. Extraction?

Root canal treatment saves the natural tooth. Tooth extractions are typically only recommended when the dentist cannot save the tooth.

Will My Insurance Cover Root Canal Treatment?

As root canal treatment falls under restorative dentistry, it is generally covered by most insurance providers.

Dental Crowns FAQs

What is a Dental Crown?

A Dental Crown protects a tooth from damage and is widely known as a dental cap.

Why Do I Need a Crown?

If you've recently undergone a dental procedure, your dentist may recommend a dental crown to protect the underlying tooth.

How Much Does a Dental Crown Cost?

The cost of a dental crown will vary depending on the material used. Prices for dental crowns typically range from $500 to $3000.

What Types of Crowns Are Available?

Porcelain crowns and porcelain fused to metal (PFM) crowns are the most widely used dental crowns offered. Get in touch with our team to learn more about other available options.

How to Take Care of My Dental Crown?

The best ways for you to care for your dental crown is to avoid hard and sticky foods, regularly brush and floss, and make regular trips to your local dentist.

What Can I Eat After Dental Crown Treatment?

We would advise patients to stick to a softer diet and avoid any hard or chewy foods when possible.

What Are Alternatives to Dental Crowns?

Inlays, Onlays, and porcelain veneers are great alternatives to dental crowns.

Why Are Dental Crowns Recommended After a Root Canal?

Dental crowns are typically recommended following a root canal because they offer an additional layer of protection and will help reduce the rate of reinfection.

Should I Replace My Old Crowns?

Yes, patients should have their old crowns replaced. On average, a dental crown's lifespan ranges from five to fifteen years.

Will My Insurance Cover My Crown?

Yes, most insurance providers cover dental crowns if needed for restorative work and are medically necessary.

Dental Implants FAQs

What are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are commonly used as tooth replacements in dentistry.

Why Dental Implants?

Dental implants can last you years with the proper care and are an excellent replacement for missing teeth.

Are Dental Implants Safe?

As Dental Implants are a standard procedure that's regularly performed, the risk of complications is fairly low.

How Long Will Dental Implants Last?

Dental implants can last a lifetime with the right care.

Who Are Good Candidates for Dental Implants?

Most adults can get dental implants. Typically, you may qualify for dental implants if you have healthy gums and aren't suffering from diabetes.

Am I Too Old for Implants?

No, dental implants are a viable procedure even if advancing in age. Get in touch with your local dentist to learn if you are a good candidate for dental implants.

What Can I Eat After Dental Implant Surgery?

It's recommended that patients temporarily shift to a softer diet. Patients can return to their normal diet a week following the procedure.

Will My Insurance Cover My Implants?

As your coverage will vary depending on your provider, you'll need to contact your insurer to learn if you're covered.

Do Implants Need to Be Done Immediately After Tooth Removal, or Can I Wait?

Dental Implants cannot be done immediately following an extraction, and patients will have to wait 3 to 6 months for the wound to heal.

How Will I Care For My Dental Implants?

You can care for your dental implants by having a regular dental regimen and using a soft-bristled brush. Making sure you have good oral hygiene will significantly increase the longevity of your dental implants.

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